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#PetePrintandPlay Giveaway

PetePrintandPlay Giveaway!


Is your child a little artist? Do they love coloring, decorating, and creating, their very own masterpieces? Our PetePrintandPlay giveaway is the perfect opportunity to have your kiddos create and enter to win, super awesome prizes!

The rules are super simple.

1.) Follow the link to have your kiddos print out their own Pete. Once their Pete is printed, cut out and design him however they’d like! Make him your very own! DOWNLOAD AND PRINT YOUR PETE HERE!

2.) Bring your kiddos Pete to the outside of The Iowa Children’s Museum to get a picture of him with our mural Pete! He is located past our Think Tank Gift Shop, heading towards the mall entrance by the Ice Rink. 

3.) Once your picture is taken, tag us on Instagram @TheIowaChildrensMuseum, and make sure to use the hashtag #peteprintandplay to enter. Make sure you’re following The Iowa Children’s Museum on Instagram too! 

Prizes could include:

  • A LIMITED EDITION Iowa Children’s Museum Eras Tote Bag
  • Chick-Fil-A Gift Cards
  • A Super Needoh Cat
  • Coralridge Mall Carousal Tokens
  • Marcus Theater Passes
  • $25 Scheels Gift Card
  • Iowa Children’s Museum Merch

The last day to enter is August 20th.

2 winners of the prizes will be announced Monday, August 21st on our social media accounts! 

Questions? Reach out to

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Closed August 26th-30th

The Iowa Children’s Museum will be closed Monday, August 26th, through Friday, August 30th, for routine cleaning and maintenance. Thank you for your patience while we work to make our exhibits even better for your next visit!